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a time to sow

Last week, some of my cold symptoms began to lessen as temperatures began to increase. There was a hint of spring in the air. Perhaps it was this subtle change that aroused a dormant desire within me- a longing for some homegrown lettuce.

I had a garden once and delighted in making salads from the variety of lettuces I grew. They were lovely, as well as tasty, a mixture of pale greens, white, and at times, burgundy.  Occasionally, I would garnish them with petite, edible flowers—spicy, yet sweet.

With these memories in mind, I went off to the store to buy seeds; but along the way, I took a slight creative detour. I decided it might be enjoyable to share a bit of spring gardening with others. So after my trip to the store, I made an impromptu trip to my studio to fashion a few cards and cones that could serve as containers for seeds and plant markers. Some paper, some glue, some flowers, some threads, and my project was complete.

Now . . . at last . . . it’s time to sow.
